Honestly, if anyone else is up for it, if you know what's up, I say go for it. I will help you as much as I can.
I say give them a run for all their money. At least pump it back into our local economy.
As for me...
I am different than every other candidate out there in that I am not trying to win. I am really just a broken person destroyed by a broken system. Maybe this is me trying to make lemonade? Maybe this is my public cry for help? I'd like to think that it's a bit of all of it. Doing what I can. Again, trying to tackle the impossible.
I am complete nobody. I am currently relying on Medicaid and SNAP, and am in an over 2 year long process applying for disability. In my defense, I once had some sort of potential.
I am now a broken product of many broken systems. Which all started from me getting injured from working too hard for a typical greedy, unscrupulous company run by complete sociopaths. I naively trusted and believed in the "system." Now, laughably thinking that these broken systems, and the people who live and feed off of them and worst of all, profit from them, had my best interest at heart.
They did not. At all.
I do not care to be the same glossy, picture perfect politician, looking for a life-long job, doing basically nothing. A career politician. I want to call them out.
Every single one of them essentially saying the same thing in a different order. Simply echoing what you want to hear without any substantial, actionable plan. Especially for the working people in this country.
Profiting, making a living from the true problems that face our society with only words and legislation that amount to nothing for the vast majority of us.
While also wasting so much of our hard earned taxes to live in luxury. Money that should be given back to our communities.
Fearing to speak truth to power, taking money from special interest, so they can raise funds to get elected and re-elected over and over again, to a kush position for life. While perpetuating a living nightmare for the rest of us.
Instead of knowing how to work together to form a coalition, they attack each other on such minor differences. Because that's how they stay in office for 30 friggin years.
If we were all to take a couple steps back, or just STOP, and take a look at the bigger picture, we would all see that the vast majority of us have more in common than we have differences. Especially in our problems, our struggles, our common goals and dreams, and in our true common enemy, the systems and special interests that are holding us back. Keeping us down. Wasting our money. Thieving from us. Destroying lives.
All for what?
Of course, there are the few leaders that I truly admire, and aspire to be like. But do you see those qualities in the person you will vote for? Or are they just good at playing THE GAME. Do you even have a choice? Or did money win them.
In the past nearly 30 years, with your current representative, with all that they have accomplished, how much has YOUR life changed?
And how many times did they sell out, living large, using their position to live a life of luxury on the taxpayer dime, while leaving the most vulnerable behind and cheating everyone else of true change?
Google their name and "scandal" or "corruption."
Is that just the way it is?
All I see is the same person different suit. Is that the change you are excited about? What are the differences between them? What is under all that picture perfect polish and gloss?
Will some things ever change?
Have we all turned belly up and accepted this as our fate? Tossing you a bone, a crumb, here and there. And then taking most of it back ten years later.
The beautiful thing about a district like ours is that doing for those with the least, will benefit everyone in our district. All I see commuting around the 7th is potential for growth and so much opportunity.
Most of all, we need more voices coming from real people facing real problems.
I have a lot of the same ideas, but it is a matter of principle. Principle that I am not seeing.
To not take corporate money.
To not sell out.
To represent ALL of your constituents.
To not abuse your position and questionably use taxpayer money to live like a rock star.
To actually work for the people who are affording you your lavish lifestyle.
It is impossible for me to win. The deck is stacked way too high against me. But that is not my goal.
It's not about fighting. It's about doing, and letting THEM show their true nature as they tear down your work, and the beauty of community that brought it together.
To show “regular” people like us that not only does your vote matter, but that your STORY matters, your STRUGGLE matters, your VOICE matters, YOUR LIFE MATTERS.
And it is not just about life. It’s about the QUALITY of the life you live.
Let's give them a run for their money. Make them work for it. Make them sweat.
Make them LISTEN.
Make them CARE.
I am down.
Hopefully, one day, achievement or success, will not be gauged by what we have gained. Rather, by what we have given/given back.