My Non-profit initiatives

1) Premier Native American Outdoor Education School – Incorporating outdoor experiences and adventure with job education initiatives for minorities and low-income individuals, starting with Native Americans. Bringing jobs, job training and opportunity through exposure to the reservations and the traditions of those that know this land best.

2) Medicaid Healthcare Provider Database Chicago – Replacing the useless services currently provided by MCOs (your brand of Medicaid) for those on Medicaid. Helping you to find a Primary Care Provider (PCP), Dentist, Optometrist, and other providers (Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Therapist, etc.). Eventually replacing the current useless thieving corporate service providers (MCO) and ultimately receiving the government contracts to provide REAL services.

3) Local and National Ex-convict Re-entry Jobs Program – built around a sustainable business with on-site housing. Employing ex-convicts, providing them with opportunity, a high standard of living, and an actual shot against recidivism.

a. Onsite psychological, social work and case management services

b. Acknowledging that setbacks will occur and expecting them to occur.

c. Stepwise program – for people at all stages of recovery. Graduating into more freedom with more responsibilities or learning to handle just one’s own responsibilities

d. With regular vacation and downtime to ideal destinations, excursions and activities as a group or individual

4) Safe Border Crossing – Substantial non-profit and multi-government (local, federal and international) effort to bring much needed services and materials, including shelter, food, clothing, job and language training to our southern border, so that refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants can be safe at the border and go through the proper channels to make it into our country. Rather than risking their precious lives to cross. This would also provide us with a prepared, vetted and skilled workforce entering the country.

5) Microfinancing (banks and loans) serving Illinois’ 7th district.

6) Healthcare Para Nuestros Amigos - Healthcare is a human right. Similar to microfinancing, putting together a network of clinics and healthcare resources and workers to provide healthcare to those who go without. Many of whom are working laborious jobs in conditions that advance the disease and aging processes. And without a long overdue amnesty program or legislation, we have an aging population of undocumented people in this country. That's why an infusion of 7 million young, healthy, sprite workers are needed to replenish our slave population. We will build our own healthcare and health insurance system for those who need it. Until we finally have Universal Healthcare in this country. Healthcare is a Human Right.

7) FarmChicago – Local urban guerilla farming initiative, making use of empty spaces, vacant lots, under the L tracks, etc. to fill in food deserts, create jobs and help our environment and contribute to reversing the global climate crisis. To not only farm, but restore lots to be producible, while also planting native gardens in unused blithe. Once established can even sell to higher end markets.

8) Safe Car Park – Safe parking for homeless living in cars – providing security, shade, amenities (bathroom and shower facilities), laundry, and power hook ups, wifi, etc. Can scale up for paid services.

9) Homeless Stations vs. Shelters

a. With different levels of amenities and services

b. A quick stop for washroom needs

c. Additional levels – direct line for emergency services, phone charging, water, garbage, bathroom (compost toilet), showers, quick laundry, etc.

10) Disability Accessibility – hopefully in conjunction with, but to extend their services to also rating places and systems for their accessibility, implemented with a measure to directly impact businesses and systems to make changes to accommodate the disabled. While also creating a team that can assist businesses with incorporating accessibility design based on the experiences of a disabled individual.

11) Inert IUD – non-profit to bring Inert IUDs to the US, bringing together industry, medical and academic experts to design and implement production focusing on efficacy, low-cost and variety. Also to fight any attempt by big-pharma to prevent or subvert the actualization of this goal. Again, we are the only country, in both the "developed," and "under-developed" worlds not to have Inert IUDs. This is also to assist with civil disobedience of a law that has no right to exist in a free, secular, egalitarian and humane society. Sorry but thems the breaks. To borrow a line from President Trump. "If you don't like it, you can get out." And there are more places than not in this world, where you can have your incest child rape babies, intolerance, xenophobia, misogyny, toxic machismo, rocket propelled grenades, forced labor (slavery) you name it.

12) Tutoring Centers in underserved communities. Near schools, or work from home models using internet, and home locations within neighborhoods. Open to all.

13) Local Music School/Recording Studio in underserved communities – with digital library of books and music. Also with online teaching. Open to all.

14) Art Studio in underserved communities, everything from drawing to dancing. Open to all.

15) Business/housing model for at risk youth – providing housing, job training, leadership training and opportunities and a job.

16) The Foundation for the Integration of the Scientific Method in Medical Innovations (FISMMIT)– database and review type website for medical care, medical devices, procedures, surgery and medication.

a. Necessary because of lack of FDA oversight and lack of regulations of new medical devices and implants without stifling medical innovation, and causing further harm to the patient.

b. Patients can track their experience, progress and outcomes, so that new patients as well as physicians can make better choices or have a choice period, giving patients more control of their healthcare and their options. Rather than relying on industry experts or salespeople to instruct and guide physicians on life altering medical care.

c. Physicians, researchers and engineers can privately discuss their experiences with new medicine and medical tech.

d. Will also give doctors a refined database to learn best methods and outcomes to guide the medical advice and care they provide.

Non-Profit Initiatives

We can’t wait for change to come to us, so I want to bring the help we need directly to us, catered to each community’s specific needs. In some cases, non-profits can compete with the for profit corporations that are thieving our hard earned taxes providing nothing in return.

As many of you are aware, there are many broken systems and needlessly complicated bureaucracies that stifle our ability to enact change. I don't mind complaining. But I also want real, tangible, actionable SOLUTIONS.

This is the actual type of “work” that will have a direct and definitive impact on our lives.

For Starters.. An appetizer if you will:

Why do we expect the most from those who have the least?