Change I need. Change we all deserve.

Lean on Me, Chicago. Lien on Me.






Secular Humanist.


Lien Choi


US Congress

Illinois 7th District


Write-In Candidate

For all WORKING people

I am sick of being the victim.

For decades, promises and empty rhetoric have failed to uplift the middle class and those marginalized in poverty. The issue lies not in the political structure itself, but rather in the type of individuals seeking office asking for our precious vote. Now simply entitled to it. To address the entrenched systems that perpetuate a permanent underclass, we must advocate for leaders who prioritize genuine reform. These broken systems thrive on human suffering, and it is crucial that we shift the narrative back onto us. By focusing on opportunity and upward mobility, we can dismantle the barriers that stifle progress, allowing us to reclaim our rightful place in society and work toward meaningful change for all.

In a world increasingly divided by hate and extremism, I realized the extreme rhetoric of all of this, "I hate you, you hate me," stuff, along with the so-called "culture wars" have been simply serving as a colossal distraction. This extremism, fueled by special interests and corporations, diverts our attention from the pressing issues that truly matter. Most of all, it is a huge distraction from big money and special interests from completely having their way with us and robbing us blind. Reducing us to mere pieces of meat sold out to the lowest bidder. If we were to take a moment to pause and reflect, we would immediately realize that our commonalities far outweigh our differences. In our day-to-day lives, dreams, hopes, fears, and struggles. Even our hobbies and habits reveal the indelible chords that bind us together. We are also intimately connected by how badly all of us have been duped and are just selling our rights to the lowest bidder. Imagine how much we could accomplish together, with our focus on our shared humanity rather than manufactured conflict.

I refuse to give into empty promises or resort to unrealistic offering you the stars. I aim is not to win. The deck is stacked way to high against me. My aim is to amplify the voices of the struggling and those unable to articulate the pressing issues and injustices they face. I aspire to be a persistent advocate for civil and human rights, holding Congress accountable and ensuring that the concerns of marginalized communities are heard. Together, we can dismantle the many barriers that hinder progress. In our city and across the nation, we have the power to reclaim what has been stolen from us by special interest. By working collaboratively, we can pave the way for meaningful change that benefits everyone, creating a more equitable society where all individuals can thrive.

In a world where visibility often eludes those enduring hardship and violence, it is crucial to amplify the voices of individuals who share these traumatic struggles. It would be nice to seeing representatives emerge from diverse and adverse background—whether they are working (regardless of socio-economic status), those facing relentless discrimination, those living in poverty, those without housing, those having to deal with so many broken systems, or people facing mental and physical disabilities—can pave the way for greater understanding and empathy. These representatives can shed light on the challenges faced by millions, ensuring that their stories are not simply lost in the noise. By giving us a solid platform to be heard. By elevating these voices, we foster a society that recognizes the dignity and value of every person. It is only through this so far unrepresented, representation that we can advocate for meaningful change and support for those who are hurting the most. Together, we can build a community that celebrates diversity and champions the rights of all individuals. Ultimately driving toward systemic improvements that will benefit everyone from the very bottom to the very top.

It is essential to have representatives who truly understand the challenges faced by individuals within our broken systems, especially those who have experienced the detrimental effects firsthand. These representatives would not only recognize the inefficiencies that lead to wasted resources but also advocate for transformative changes that could save billions in taxpayer money. By having leaders who not only empathize but also recognize the social costs and heartlessness in these broken systems, we can foster a more responsive and effective government. Instead of imposing top-down solutions, these representatives would prioritize genuine dialogue, asking communities what they need to thrive rather than merely telling them what they need. This shift in approach could redirect billions of dollars in funds that are currently squandered into meaningful support for longstanding, historical communities in need, ultimately driving real change and breaking the cycle of utter neglect and urban decay.

It's time for representatives who just get it. Who listen, who are committed to making a difference in their district and are committed to fostering real, meaningful progress for all.

In our pursuit of a better, stronger future, the fundamental principle of caring for one another must take precedence. This responsibility lies at the heart of government, which should prioritize the well-being of its citizens. However, we find ourselves in a troubling era where this essential duty is increasingly abandoned to appease big money/special interests. The divisions within our society is clear evidence that government is straying further and further from that singular objective. It is time for a renewed dedication to these ideals, ensuring that every individual feels valued and supported. It is imperative that we reclaim the values of democracy, extending beyond mere governance to embrace a long lost spirit of brotherhood and fellowship. Of being an American.

It is essential to look beyond simplistic choices like red or blue, or single issue voting, and recognize our shared struggles. The fight for fundamental human rights for all Americans including vital issues such as environmental justice, reproductive freedom, and universal healthcare. We must also address the pressing need for universal basic income and confront the pervasive issues surrounding social justice that continue to afflict many communities. By uniting against special interests that have long overshadowed our rights, reducing our humanity to mere dollars and cents, we can reclaim what has been taken from us and work towards a more equitable future. Together, we can foster a collective awareness of our common source of suffering and strive toward a more inclusive society that prioritizes opportunity, access, and justice for all.

This is not socialism, this is investment. Capitalism at its very best. And why not throw in reparations on top, to secure the success of our precious investments.

Being a workaholic, after a seemingly simple injury at work, I placed my trust in the systems I believed were meant to protect and support me. Having my best interest at heart. To return me immediately to meaningful productivity. Rather, I witnessed the stark reality of these broken frameworks, revealing soulless bureaucracies designed without empathy leading to sociopathic behaviors that relentlessly stripped away my dignity, my well-being, and ultimately destroying my life.

I found myself facing the harrowing realities of those I once served. Yet, in doing so, I gained a profound understanding of the relentless human suffering that exists, even in a nation like America, to the average hard working "Joe" like myself. It is a harrowing descent down a bottomless pit of human suffering lined with vultures incessantly scavenging, preying on the remnants of our dignity, relentlessly picking away at the remnants of one's spirit. Picking at our bones beyond the point where you have nothing left to give. There is always more to take. More suffering.

This grim reality is exacerbated and compounds my anguish by my awareness of the different world that exists, where compassion and understanding is the norm, not the exception. Sometimes in your neighboring community just a couple of miles down the block. Amplifying my disillusionment with a system that seems designed to perpetuate despair rather than offer solace. Profiting from and exploiting human suffering. The juxtaposition of these experiences deepens my disgust and despair for these broken systems.

In the face an inflation crisis, one must wonder: what can we truly do about it? Groceries have become exorbitantly expensive while setting record profits. Yet, SNAP benefits remain stagnant, leaving many to struggle, and many others wondering how to cope with the financial burden. Fuel prices soar with little regard, while gas companies also rake in record profits, seemingly immune to the public outcry. Insurance premiums leap overnight by 30%, again, while making record profits, all to subsidize the lifestyles of the wealthy—those who can afford extravagant homes and luxury vehicles. That are now burning up or falling into their magnificent mountain-side and/or ocean-side views (In some cases both). This blatant, disrespectful exploitation occurs amid a severe inflation crisis that impacts everyday people the hardest. As we watch these injustices unfold, the question looms larger: what actions can we take to reclaim our power and demand accountability?

After all, what are we going to do about it? We did nothing. We just took it, is what happened.

What can your representative do about it? What have they done about it?

To what extent can a Congressperson bring change to their districts, especially in communities of great need. It's a US Representative, it's not nothing.

The 7th is unique in that there are many areas devastated by poverty, urban decay and violence that could really used a true partner in the United States House of Representatives.

In times of struggle, it’s crucial to find a voice that resonates with the collective experience of hardship and struggle. I never intended to spotlight my life during its darkest moments, but I feel an urgent need to connect with anyone who understands the seemingly endless injustices. In a world where everyone seems to be shouting for attention, I find myself yearning for genuine understanding. I simply desire to connect with those who truly resonate with the struggle. I am no where near those who are facing the worst, but it’s crucial to shed light on the harsh realities faced by many and how the system just complicates an already difficult life.

In times of hardship, it is crucial to have voices that truly represent the struggles many face. I say the worse off the better, to represent all of us. My goal isn’t to promise unattainable dreams or whimsical fantasies, but to ignite the conversation about necessary changes that would benefit us all. This journey must begin somewhere, and I am so ready to be THE thorn in the side of congress, advocating for civil and human rights and pushing for the transformation we desperately need. I commit to being a persistent advocate, challenging the system and amplifying the voices of those who are often or always overlooked. It's a call for solidarity among those who understand the pain and the urgency for change. I need this change. Years ago, but I'll settle for starting now on what could be an impossible journey.

The 7th needs an active Congressman for action in our district. There are so many non-profits and groups out there doing incredible work. It would be great to bring in robust infrastructure, policy and cash, to bring the most out of these local, community efforts. Breaking through the red tape, that is holding us all back. Making this the norm and not the exception.

Forget trickle down. This is called, SEWING SEEDS.

I will not take any corporate PAC money. Or represent or have the back of anything but that which helps everyone in the 7th starting from the very bottom.

We need more voices representing the true human experience in our district.

We need more voices for true Human Rights over special interests.

Let's put love, benevolence and altruism back at the center of the soul of this nation. Character and principle. Let's do that again.

There is no other time like now to have the representation we deserve.


Thank you for your time and consideration.

I hope you have a wonderful day.

As an independent candidate, I am beholden to no one but you.

With my unique life experience, perspectives and detailed initiatives, I will bring the change we all desperately need and deserve.

Solid Plan


Unlike other candidates, I have a solid and detailed plan to bring about the change we need. I am willing to bypass longstanding broken systems if need be by promoting and using all of my resources to invest in non-profit organizations to fill in the enormous gaps in social and environmental justice and basic services. I would demand international cooperation to resolve major crises (global climate change, renewable energy, migrant, etc.). For example a North American Energy Agreement between Mexico, the US and Canada. Most of all, the dialog has to start regarding changing of "norms" to bring about dire services and serious change.


I am a progressive-centrist who strongly values diverse perspectives and the importance of listening to others. Through open dialogue and genuine understanding, we can recognize that we have more in common than not. It is only through unity and collaboration that we can strive for policies and solutions that will truly benefit everyone. By embracing the power of inclusivity and recognizing the worth of each individual, we can create a community where all opinions are respected and considered. Together, we can work towards addressing the true needs and concerns that plague our society, and lift EVERYONE up. Starting here in the 7th.


As an independent candidate, I am not bound by party politics or special interests and will focus solely on representing our interests.


Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Matthew 25:40

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